You’ve heard the saying “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail.”

We all know that phrase all too well when we tell our kids to do their homework, or when we decide to renovate the kitchen–but one area we overlook this principle is in our relationships.

We never drift into a better marriage–we never accidentally have a great connection with our kids. These things take a systematic investment of time, conversation, sometimes money and always empathy. In other words—it requires a plan.

The same holds true in our relationship with God.

Yes, Christ has saved us and we are free from failure in Him, but we do run the risk of allowing this relationship to grow distant. And while most of us say we want to know God, see him answer our prayers, and hear his calling in our lives–the truth is, we don’t have a successful plan to do it.

Here is our typical plan:

  • Attend church when we have nothing else going on
  • Pray when we need something fixed
  • Hope for the best

And when we feel distant from God, when our kids behave less like Jesus and more like us, or when our prayers seem to not get past the ceiling–we blame God. Does that sound right?!

What I want to challenge you to do is to have a plan to spend time with God.

For years, I’ve found the daily reading plans on YouVersion help keep this fresh and yet systematic in my life.

  • Keep a prayer journal and record not just what you ask for, but how God answers
  • Make church participation a priority
  • Get in a small group of people to hold you accountable and to help you find ways to serve

At Real Life Church we are launching a new 10-week experience with God called Rooted. I have gone through this program twice now, and each time it is a game changer in my relationship with Jesus. I’d love for you to join us in this. Discover more about Rooted at Real Life Church.

If you’re not using Rooted, then what plan are you using? Remember, if you have no plan, then you are planning to fail.

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