Don’t miss this book!

No, it’s not When you, Then God. (Though I highly recommend that one :))

I make it a practice to keep an eye out for what others consider to be good books.  What are other leaders reading, commenting on or recommending. And recently I came across one that really caught my attention.  It covers a subject matter that I find I’m unfortunately an expert on… being offended!

It’s no secret that I struggle with this… I’ve written about it often.  But this book brought new insight and fresh encouragement.  And I laughed so hard I cried.  And I was so convicted I decided to make a change. This is a great read and it is very helpful.

The book is Unoffendable by Brant Hansen. Brant is a philanthropist as well as a radio host and the book is worth reading if for no other reason because he shares some of the calls he’s received to the station that could easily cause offense.

Buy he raises an ugly truth about Christians.  Most of us are the easily offended and carry grudges. We live our lives asking for grace but never giving it.

He writes…

“Look, you have free will, and you can be perpetually shocked and offended. But be honest: Isn’t it kind of exhausting?”

“Yes, the world is broken. But don’t be offended by it. Instead, thank God that He’s intervened in it, and He’s going to restore it.”

The Holidays are quickly approaching, and with that comes more gifts, parties, and dinners.  Translation? More opportunities to be offended.

The election just wrapped up and odds are you are offended by a candidate, a cause or a vote that didn’t go your preferred way.

But what if we chose to not be offended?  This book paints a compelling vision for not only how our lives will be better… but we’ll be more Christ-like and Biblical.  God’s call for our anger is not at others sin, but our own. Let’s start with our propensity to be offended.

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