Easter is the week we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. While billions of people around the world will pause to remember the epic triumph of Christ over the grave and his offer to do the same for all who trust him, there are many epic fails around this time of year as well. Allow me to list a few.

  • Hollow bunnies. I know that doesn’t sound very spiritual to start with candy, but it needs to be addressed. Hollow bunnies are said to represent the “hollow tomb” – they are both empty. But come on, it’s a way for Russell Stovers to save some money on chocolate. The epic fail is on Easter morning when your kid bites into a bunny ear only to realize its hollow.
  • These are not food. Doesn’t matter what color you make them, dip them in chocolate or coconut, they are the same. They are door stops. Stick to the Cadbury eggs. Or the newly issued Oreo eggs. These may not be true food either, but at least they are amazing. The epic fail of Peeps happens a few hours after.
  • I heard about a Pastor who one Easter service decided to invite children on stage for a story time. He asked the children if anyone knew what the resurrection was. One child said “Alls I know is if it lasts for more than 4 hours you should call the doctor.” Epic. Fail.

The biggest fail in Easter history happened after the first Easter. One of Jesus’ closest friends, Peter, had denied even knowing Jesus 3 separate times while Jesus was being arrested, tried and eventually crucified. And while Peter was thrilled to know that Jesus had resurrected, he was overwhelmed with guilt from his personal failure of denying his friend and Lord. We find Peter a few days later back to being a fisherman, far away from being the one Jesus appointed to lead his church.

This is where many of us find ourselves every Easter. Running from God or at least avoiding him because of failures in our lives, promises we didn’t keep, bargains we made with God and didn’t fulfill. We go back about our business and hope he forgets who we are.

But Jesus won’t let that happen to Peter. He goes to find him and reinstates him in a beachside breakfast, and Jesus won’t let that happen to you. He has come to find you and bring you back from whatever failure you think has disqualified you. Don’t let your failure keep you from the greatest triumph of Easter. You can have new life!

Jesus said “I have come that you may have life…and have it to the full”. John 10:10

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