“It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit.
Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It’s been 30 years since John saw his best friend, Jesus – and a lot has happened.

The last few months John was with Jesus were a whirlwind. He witnessed a crucifixion, felt the emptiness and loss, and then suddenly, He was back! Now all is well, and we’ll be together forever. But just about the time John was getting used to Jesus being there, he left again. This time he said, “I’ll be back!”

But when?

John thought it might be after they got the church going. The nice angel said to go to the upper room and wait, so they did. The Spirit of God showed up, and suddenly, they had these crazy abilities to talk in other languages. Then the church took off after Peter’s great message. The disciples called people to repentance, and thousands professed Jesus as Lord. Surely this is what Jesus was waiting on.

John thought, maybe now he’ll come back. But he did not.

John thought it might be after the persecution broke out. Nero began arresting Christians and using them as human torches for his garden parties. He used them as entertainment by throwing them to lions. There’s no way Jesus can sit back and let this happen. Surely he would come back and put a stop to this. But he did not.

He thought it might be after James was killed. After all, this was more than just John’s brother, he was one of Jesus’ closest friends. Maybe this would be the final straw for Jesus. But He stayed put. Now James is dead and the church has run for their lives.

It turned out this was a good thing. The Christians scattered and eventually set up churches all over the Mediterranean rim. God seemed to bring beauty from ashes. He seemed to have accomplished Jesus’ instructions to take this Gospel to the uttermost parts. Mission accomplished. Surely now He’ll return. But He did not.

Now, John is in his 60s. He has been tortured and left for dead. He has witnessed the death of members of his flock. He’s heard of his band of brothers all being killed. Peter was crucified. Matthew was impaled. Philip was hung. And with every passing day, he has to be thinking, “Come, Lord Jesus, come.” Where is my Lord? Where is my friend?

Maybe that’s where you are today. Where are you, Lord? Where is the friend that’s closer than a brother? Where is my Jesus? After the 3rd cancer diagnosis. After the 2nd miscarriage? After just watching the evening news? Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Just when it seems it can’t get any worse, John ends up on a prison island called Patmos. A place where they put the worst of the worst to let them live out their days. John is alone. He’s missing his church. He’s missing his friends. And he’s wondering… where is Jesus?

“I, John, am your brother and your partner in suffering and in God’s Kingdom and in the patient endurance to which Jesus calls us. I was exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the word of God and for my testimony about Jesus. It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit.”

I can’t imagine how emotional this must have been for John. A conflict of emotions of should I hug Him or should I bow? His eyes are that of my friend, but His radiance is that of my Lord. He is here. And for the moment, all is right.

This is what Nancy wondered. For 50 years, she had prayed for her mother to make Jesus her Lord. But her mom had been swept up by a cult. A cheap imitation of the truth. But Nancy kept praying. Her mom was 92 when she began a steep decline in her health. And one day, while Nancy was visiting, her mom came into the room and said, “Well, I did it.” “What, mom?” “I prayed to Jesus last night and surrendered my life.” Nancy was stunned and thrilled. And three days later, Mom died.

A few weeks after this whirlwind of emotions began to settle, Nancy had a night of wondering. An evening where darkness swept in. Her mind began to doubt. What if it wasn’t enough? What if she didn’t say the right words? What if mom didn’t really accept Jesus? It was at this moment Jesus showed up.

Not as a bright shining conquering king but as a gentle whisper. “Nancy, if it were not true, why would I let you be deceived into thinking it was?” That was all she needed. A quiet word to an anxious heart.

John says, let me tell you about my friend. He is near. He is always near.

Today’s prayer:
“Jesus, thank you for never leaving me.”


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