You are not the sum of what other people think of you. You are more than your victories or your mistakes. You, like John, are the one Jesus loves.

The apostle John grew up just like us. People handed him a ready list of labels―the brother of James, a Jew, a fisherman, a hothead―but then Jesus gave him a new direction in life. Writing about these events many years later, John referred to himself using a curious label. He always writes as “the one Jesus loved.” Many wonders about this choice. Some even think it’s presumptuous. Why would anyone single themselves out as the one loved by Jesus?

Rusty George wisely sees that John called himself “the one Jesus loves” so every reader could see that Jesus values and deeply loves them. Friend of God takes you inside John’s writings―his Gospel, his letters, and the Revelation―so you can discover how Jesus saw John, and thus how he sees you. The only person who gets to say who you are is Jesus.

Written as short devotional entries, Friend of God encourages you to take the next 40 days and see how your relationship with Jesus grows.”

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Rusty George is the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie, Texas. With a dedicated leadership style, he envisions Crossroads Christian Church thriving as a vibrant community devoted to helping people find and follow Jesus. Rusty’s preaching experience spans over 30 years, starting in Kentucky, moving to California, and currently in Texas.

In addition to his role at Crossroads Christian Church, Rusty is a globally recognized speaker, leader, author, and teacher with a focus on making faith simple. He has authored several books and hosts the weekly podcast, Simple Faith with Rusty George.

Aside from being a loyal Chiefs, Royals, and Lakers fan, Rusty is first and foremost committed to his family. Rusty has been married to his wife, Lorrie, for over thirty years, and they have two adult daughters, Lindsey, and Sidney. As a family, they enjoy walking the dogs, playing board games, and watching HGTV together, while Rusty keeps up with ESPN on his iPad.

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