Purchase After Amen Today

You are not the sum of what other people think of you.

You are more than your victories or your mistakes.

You, like John, are the one Jesus loves.

The apostle John grew up just like us. People handed him a ready list of labels―the brother of James, a Jew, a fisherman, a hothead―but then Jesus gave him a new direction in life. Writing about these events many years later, John referred to himself using a curious label. He always writes as “the one Jesus loved.” Many wonders about this choice. Some even think it’s presumptuous. Why would anyone single themselves out as the one loved by Jesus?

Rusty George wisely sees that John called himself “the one Jesus loves” so every reader could see that Jesus values and deeply loves them. Friend of God takes you inside John’s writings―his Gospel, his letters, and the Revelation―so you can discover how Jesus saw John, and thus how he sees you. The only person who gets to say who you are is Jesus.

Written as short devotional entries, Friend of God encourages you to take the next 40 days and see how your relationship with Jesus grows.

Purchase After Amen Today

You’ve prayed about it, now what?

Though none of us pray enough, we all pray some. There eventually comes a moment when we get desperate enough to cry out to God. We pour out our prayers, making confessions, promises, and deals, then we say Amen. And we wait. And wait. Sometimes the silence is deafening, and we question whether God hears us or not. We wonder if our prayers ever got past the ceiling, if he’s even there, or if he is waiting on us to do something. So what do we do while we wait for God to answer our prayers?

Are you a church leader? Get information on the After Amen Pastor’s Package by clicking here.

How is it we have made following Jesus so complicated?

700 years before Jesus, a minor prophet wrote some words that not only served as a cry for Israel to return to its true calling but also serves as the way we can follow Jesus today. Micah 6:8 is summed up as: 

 “Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.”

What does that verse really mean? What does that have to do with us today? I like to think I’m just. I like to think I’m merciful.  And can a person even say he’s humble and still be humble? How do I live this out beyond just good intentions? 

This book will provide practical teaching on how to follow Jesus by applying these three timeless truths – Justice. Mercy. Humility.

Following Jesus may not be easy, but it’s not complicated.

Ever feel like trying to succeed is all about you?

Exercise. Eat right. Share your faith. Produce fruit for God. Oh, and try to relax. Do you feel that trying to “die to yourself” only makes you more self-focused?

In Better Together, pastor Rusty George teaches how to satisfy your deepest needs through the power of “us.” Together we connect with God better. Together we heal better. Together we overcome fears, raise families, fight temptations, and bless the world around us better. Learn how to live in true community to find the fulfillment you’ve been looking for.

When you jump, will God catch you?

Daring to trust God: It feels like a huge risk. When you take a leap of faith, big or small, you have to believe that God cares enough to be there―even though you can’t see where you’re going to land.

He promises over and over again―in the Old Testament, in the life of Jesus, and in countless biblical stories and psalms―that when you trust him, then you can absolutely, without fail, count on him to respond. But how do you know what God wants you to do? When you do it, what can you expect in return?

In this provocative book, Rusty George reveals the answers found in seven core promises of God-and the key that unlocks them.

When You, Then God is a bold, dynamic invitation for you to take God at his word, experience the empowering freedom of his love, and accept his great invitation to partner with him.

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