You joined me for a good one! My friend Dave Phillips joins me on the podcast, and talks about making an impact for the Kingdom. Dave is the founder and president of Children’s Hunger Fund and their mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry.

Learn more about the Children’s Hunger Fund HERE


About Dave Philips 

The devastating poverty Dave witnessed at a children’s hospital in Honduras changed him forever. With a united passion to impact the next generation and help local churches build relationships with poor children in their communities, Dave and his wife Lynn founded Children’s Hunger Fund, first distributing food and aid from their garage. Dave’s family tree includes the founders of several well-known charities, so the non-profit world was a natural fit for him. In fact, Dave’s first job after graduating from Westmont College was at a relief organization, World Opportunities International. Dave and Lynn live in Simi Valley, California with their four sons. Dave often travels overseas with his sons hoping to inspire them to service through their own personal poverty encounter.

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