Is COVID-19 feeding your monster?

Someone once told me that the fears we face only stick around long enough to be fed.  Stop feeding them and they’ll go away.  

While that may not be true for all things, it is true for many of our fears.  The more we feed them with time, with attention, and with our thoughts, they hang around. And they get bigger.

The one thing I’ve learned this week (and over the last four weeks of this virus) is that COVID-19 can feed our monster of fear… or it could facilitate our levels of faith. 

The reality is that the stats and the stories about this pandemic are real and should be taken serious, but we’ll all get through it and be stronger for it. The other reality is that our newsfeeds, phone alerts and social media posts are filled with “doom and gloom” and after a while they could wear down even Mr. Rogers. 

The dangerous thing for those of us who struggle with fear, much of the obsession with news can feed this monster and rob us of our faith.

A few days ago my wife sent me a post from Dave Ramsey on Instagram who shared some positive stats:

And there were more…

It was amazing how a little bit of good news was like water in the desert! 

I like how Pastor Ken Myers put all this in perspective:

The fears are real, but I needed to recalibrate my thinking by focusing on the facts, and it helped immensely. Fact one: God is still in control.

The fears are real, but I needed to recalibrate my thinking by focusing on the facts, and it helped immensely. Fact one: God is still in control.

When we think things are falling apart, God’s plan is actually falling together.

Here’s the remedy for all of us: add some positive truth to your gloom and focus on what you can do.

Remedy – add faith and some positive truth to the gloom, and focus on what you can do. 

Some people feed your fears, and some people feed your faith. Get around people who feed your faith.

While we grieve with those who have lost, and we pray for those who are sick, we have to ask about how we spend our thoughts, our time and our attention… Is it consumed with what if’s and worst case-scenarios? Or is it filled with how we can help, what we can do next, and how we can bless others.  

In other words… are we feeding our fear? Or leveraging our faith?”

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Pastor Rusty George
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