Have you ever felt like your anxiety is fueled by your prayers? What should we do when our prayers make our anxiety worse instead of better?
Philippians 4:6-7 teaches us, “to not be anxious about anything”. Join me in this episode as we dig deeper into this Biblical truth and I share my personal journey on how to tackle anxiety within your prayer life.
Thank you for taking the time. The connections between on line service, podcast, small groups gone virtual/zooms. I feel so much more connected through the last few months than I have felt in a very long time. Because….I stepped out of my own way and connected.
To drive to church once a week I thought was easy.
Staying connected through all the avenues RLC provided was scary to start. But, I did it and i joined a small ladies group on Tuesdays!
I can say my relationship has grown and I praise God for RLC, Rusty, Kevin and also my small group leader.
God is faithful and he will always be true and good.
Thanks Rusty!