Calling all church planters! Tim Celek from Stadia Church Planting Group & Lead Pastor at The Crossing Church joins me in this episode today to discuss everything that church planters need to know in 2021.

Tim has pioneered and planted churches that have reached thousands for the gospel, with a keen understanding on how to make the modern church refreshing and new for young believers. Tim is a personal hero of mine, and I’m so glad that you’re getting to meet and hear from him today. We discuss everything from a practical breakdown of a church plant timeline, to Tim’s hardest and greatest moments in his church planting ministry.

If you’re at all interested in planting a church in California, please reach out to our team at [email protected] — we’d love to talk with you!


About Our Guest: Tim Celek

Tim Celek lives in Costa Mesa, CA with his wife of 40+ years, Sue. In 1988, Tim planted The Crossing Church, and over 30 years had the opportunity to see the Crossing grow, reflect, and impact the coastal community of Orange County. On the church’s 30th birthday, Tim intentionally handed off leadership of The Crossing Church. During Tim’s tenure, The Crossing Church resourced 5 new churches, which makes Tim’s role of Director of New Church Growth with Stadia the perfect fit for this Harley-loving church planter. Tim also enjoys sail boat racing, and when he isn’t on boats or motorcycles, he loves to spend time biking and building Legos with grandsons (and their moms, who happen to be Tim’s daughters!)

You can email Tim at: [email protected]


A Thank You to This Episode’s Generous Sponsors


The Growmentum team provides strategic insight and effective leadership. Their combined knowledge and experience makes them a trusted resource for churches looking to maximize their potential. Check them out here


Let Stadia help you make sure that more and more people get to experience the life-changing hope of Jesus. With over 1,000 churches started in 17 years, we have the tools needed to prepare leaders to start thriving churches. Check them out here


Podcast Pairing

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