Today as we turn the clocks forward, I wanted to pause and let you know that you’re not alone. I want you to know that I am praying for you and your someone. When we set off on this journey, we asked that you make two personal decisions, what would you give up and for who. For some of you, that was easy. For others, not so much. Some of you are doing great, some of you are having trouble. Regardless of where you are on that spectrum, I am happy you’re journeying with us. Like all spiritual disciplines, you never arrive. You keep going, getting better every day, discovering new things about God and yourself. 

So today, I would like to do something a little different. Can we pray for each other? And someone else’s someone? 

This may stretch you a little, but I would love for you to put the name(s) of your someone in the comments. And as you see a name there today, would you pray for both the poster and the name(s) they left?

Our Prayer: God, would you do amazing things in the lives of those fasting and those who we are fasting for? Let us all see ourselves grow on this journey. 

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