Day Forty: He is Risen!

Day Forty: He is Risen!

Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed. As we left off yesterday, all the followers of Jesus were hiding, fearing the worst, and some even began to pack up and head home. Luke tells us about two men who were leaving Jerusalem, distraught that Jesus was dead. 13...
Day Thirty Nine: Saturday

Day Thirty Nine: Saturday

It’s Saturday, and it’s the day all hope is lost. Everyone who thought that Jesus was the Messiah believes he is dead. Now what? It’s important to point out that no one thought he would rise again. No one remembered that he predicted this several...
Day Thirty Eight: Good Friday

Day Thirty Eight: Good Friday

All of history hinges on today’s reading. So we’ll read it in its entirety.  16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers. 17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together...
Day Thirty Seven: The Last Supper

Day Thirty Seven: The Last Supper

The scene for today is one of the most famous in scripture.  We have more art and songs and stories about this several-hour exchange than most other things found in the Bible. It is often referred to as “the Last Supper.” They are gathering for the...
Day Thirty Six: Time is Short

Day Thirty Six: Time is Short

After the events we discussed a couple of days ago of Jesus clearing the temple, a variety of lessons are shared by Jesus. He talks about marriage, mission, and urgency. As he talks about the end times, he shares this story: 32 “But about that day or hour no one...
Day Thirty Five: Tuesday

Day Thirty Five: Tuesday

It’s Tuesday of Jesus’ final week. And he is cutting to the chase about his mission. Take a look at this story. Jesus then began to speak to them in parables: “A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a...

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