Explaining Billy Graham to our Kids

Explaining Billy Graham to our Kids

Even though the death of Billy Graham was a week ago, we are still trying to wrap our minds around who he was and the legacy he left. In an effort to try to explain his impact to our kids, I’ve found that these posts can really help. Thank you Brian Dodd for...
One Thing Your Kids Need That You CAN’T Give Them

One Thing Your Kids Need That You CAN’T Give Them

Drive home, pull into the garage, shut the door, turn off the phone, eat dinner together, do homework, say your prayers, put the kids to bed. You are investing in your family by protecting them from everything and everyone else. Play dates are scheduled, friends are...
Crazy Super Bowl Bets

Crazy Super Bowl Bets

Did you know that in Vegas you can place bets on more than just the game itself? Here are some of my favorites: The coin flip. The first song of halftime. What will Justin Timberlake wear? What will the first commercial be after the National Anthem? Will there be a...
Raising Teens, Better Together

Raising Teens, Better Together

For years I would ask people whose kids were older than mine and appeared to be solid citizens who loved God and loved people: “What parenting advice can you give me?” And when my kids were young, I’d eat this stuff up! But the older my kids get, the tendency I have...

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