Got your attention?

We are on a quest to help meet the medical, physical, spiritual, and educational needs of 1000 kids from third world countries through Compassion International. You can hear my interview with a former Compassion child by clicking play below. 

In short, we are challenging you to sponsor a child for around $40 a month. 

But I thought I’d take a moment and tell you why you shouldn’t do it.

1. You need to save your money for more Peppermint Mocha’s.

Let’s face it: it’s the holiday season. And after the Pumpkin Spice latte comes the Peppermint Mocha. And these are pricey. So, instead of using your $40 to save a child’s life and change their future, get all the Christmas feels and all the Christmas calories at least eight times a month.

2. You believe God helps those who help themselves.

These kids in poverty just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job. After all, you worked your way to where you are. Never mind, they don’t have near the opportunities to succeed that we had, but where there’s a will, there’s away. 

3. You think that the money never makes it to the kids.

If we’re being honest, this is the real reason many of us stay away. How does this help? Don’t they all have like 25 sponsors? Isn’t it just a money grab for a non-profit? I wondered too. But having been on a Compassion trip and seen where these kids live and hearing their stories? This is legit. Take a listen to my conversation with Keewani. Her life was changed as a child when Compassion got involved. This podcast will forever change how you view sponsorship. 

So, join us this year. Decide as a family to sponsor one child. Or one child per family member. We have four kids we sponsor, and we’ve never missed the money. But they will never forget the blessing. Nor will you.

Sponsor today at

Even better? Please share this with a friend and challenge them to sponsor as well!

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