Tomorrow begins our final seven-day stretch on our countdown to Easter. I’ve often wondered what was going through the mind of Jesus as he knew his time on earth was wrapping up. Over the next week will examine some of those things through scripture.

But before we begin the final countdown, I wanted to do one last check-in. How’s it going? How do you feel? Are you more connected spiritually, less connected? What about that thing you’ve given up – did it get harder or easier?

Let me know in the comments below. There are no right or wrong answers, just a safe place for honest reflection.

Being our last reflection post, I thought I would do something a little different.

Here is MY prayer for you:

Father, as we enter our last week on this journey together, would you meet us where we are. Over the last few weeks, some feel stronger and closer to you, while others have struggled and are tired. Be close to us all, remind us that your sacrifice on the cross was for everyone, for we all need your grace to finish the race.


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