Most of us spend a lot of time in our cars. Maybe you commute, perhaps you Uber, taxi your kids around? Most of us have a lot of time we think is a waste. This is a breeding ground for road rage. Trust me.

Here are a few things I’ve found help me enjoy the drive during different parts of the day.

PREGAME on the way to work.

Listen to a prayer app podcast like Pray as you Go, Pursuing God by Gene Appel, or Things Above by James Bryan Smith. Find an excellent non-biased news source to give you “just the facts” in a few minutes so you stay up to date. Use this time to set your intentions for the day of being informed and prayed up.

GAME TIME during the day.

Picking good music that energizes and motivates you is always assumed, but also a few podcasts that make you better at your job or more astute with your gifts. Typology with Ian Morgan Crohn or Craig Groschell Leadership Podcast can go a long way. This is also an excellent time to return phone calls or talk out upcoming presentations. Trust me, saying a talk before you share it publically can make a WORLD of difference.

POST GAME on the way home.

I save some fun podcasts for the ride home—no more business and decompress. That may be a comedian or an expert in a hobby of yours. For me, it’s sports, lots of sports. My ride home jam is “The Best of the Herd” from the Colin Cowherd podcast. It never raises my blood pressure and gives me distance from the day.

Whatever you decide, have a plan. While we think it’s time wasted, it can be time reclaimed!

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