I know, what’s the difference?

Let’s say I’m driving to an appointment and I’m running late: I know that I can make it on time if I drive like Ricky Bobby, but it’s going to take some doing. 

I crank up the music and I’m weaving in and out of traffic… Disregarding the speed limit, all caution to the wind, I’m in the zone. 

What I don’t notice is that there is a police officer who saw me and took issue with driving style.  He turns around, begins to follow me with his lights on, and is now in “hot pursuit”…  This police officer is AFTER me. 

But let’s say I’ve been in an accident: maybe a result of my driving, maybe the result of someone else.  And I’m on the side of the road and I need help. 

I’m injured. I’m scared. I’ve called the police and they are on their way…  These police officer are coming FOR me. 

Which is your view of God?

Most of us tend to view God as the big guy upstairs who is carefully watching us.

Don’t set him off, because he’ll come AFTER you.  He’ll hunt you down, he’ll take away all you love, he’ll wreck your life and send you straight to hell if you’re not careful. 

He is the God who keeps track of all your wrongs, follows you every step of the way and just waits to bust you! 

Let’s be honest… we’ve all thought that about God. And if that’s the way we feel… no wonder we stay away from Him for so long.

But Jesus gives us a different view of God. 

At RLCM we’ve been talking about this famous story Jesus tells called the Prodigal Son.  And this weekend we talked specifically about the God who runs TOWARD us and FOR us. If you missed it, catch up here

Jesus tells us that our heavenly Father gives us the freedom to walk away.  He’s willing to lose us so we can find him. And then he waits FOR us. And then when he sees us start to come back to him he runs to us! 

Our God is a God who runs. Not AFTER you… but FOR you. 

What if this was your prayer this week:

“God, I want to come home. I’m tired of wandering. I’m tired of doing things my way. I’m tired of running from you. I want to come home.”

If you prayed that prayer for the first time, I’d love to pray with you.  Click here to contact me. 

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