“Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.” ‭‭2 John‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Remember New Coke? What about Harley Davidson Perfume? How about Google Glass?

All of these products made bold claims to improve and enhance our lives and yet somehow didn’t live up to their guarantee.  

Google Glass was rejected because it was outlawed in schools, theaters, and many places people wanted to wear it. As for Harley Davidson perfume, it’s strange no one wanted to smell like asphalt. And New Coke? It nearly caused riots. Not even Max Headroom could help.

My favorite has to be the new food additive Olestra. Added to potato chips, this promised to remove fat and calories; the only problem was it added hours in the bathroom. Not all guarantees come through. 

So when we come to Jesus and his promise of life and life abundantly, it’s normal for us to ask… “just what can I expect?” Or to question, “does this come with any guarantees?” I know that sounds incredibly shallow and like a first-world problem, but we all have wondered.

We hear, “just pray about it,” and we think…. I did. And I got one of the answers I wasn’t looking for. 

We worry about our employment and hear, “let go and let God,”… then we just get let go! 

Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom and all these things will be added to you.” Ok, but what are “these things?”

We know there are countless add-on blessings that God can pour into our lives at any second. And we have lists of how those have come our way, but let’s be honest. We’ve all wondered. What can we count on? Are there any guarantees from God?

John walked with Jesus and saw many blessings. But for everyone who was healed, there were many who weren’t. For every person who had their sight restored, there were others who still had to be led home in their blindness. For the 5,000 who were fed, they still got hungry the next day. And even though Lazarus was resurrected, John the Baptist was beheaded. 

John himself had to deal with this. A few years after Jesus ascended back to Heaven and the church had begun, intense persecution broke out. And though John survived, his brother James did not. John had to wonder why? Why did he get to live, and James was executed? Why did Jesus, the one who gave life, gave freedom, and freed the captives, allow one of his most devoted followers to die so suddenly? 

It’s easy to say things like, “it’s all in his hands.” “He knows best”. “Just trust God.” I understand He knows things I don’t. He has a plan that doesn’t always make sense to me. But while I wait for ultimate understanding on the other side… what can I count on THIS side?

John tells us.

“Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.”

These are more than greetings and salutations. These are guarantees.  

Grace – getting what we don’t deserve.

Mercy – not getting what we do deserve. 

Peace – comfort in our questioning. 

John knows because he saw these to be constant. He saw the grace Jesus gave on the cross. The mercy he extended by taking our place. And the peace John walked with every day in his waiting. It truly passes all understanding.  

Blessings can be relative. They can seem to come and go. They can almost seem subjective.

But these three quarantines are constant—the grace, mercy and peace of our friend and Lord Jesus.

Today’s prayer – Jesus, thank you for your grace, mercy and peace through all the highs and lows of life. 

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