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Day Thirty Eight: Good Friday
All of history hinges on today's reading. So we'll read it in its entirety. 16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers. 17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of...
Day Four: No One Will Help Me
When Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda he did two things – asked a question and listened.
Day Three: Time to Party
What caner learn from one of the first things Matthew did when we decided to follow Jesus?
Day Two: THEIR Faith
How did you meet Jesus? Was it through someone else’s faith?
Day One – Except by Prayer and Fasting
Over the next 40 days, we are going to pursue how to connect with God and disconnect from the world. Why? Jesus gave specific details to his disciples in Matthew when they failed to connect.
Bonus Episode: Join us for a 40 day journey to Easter
To kick off this new month, I've got a short bonus episode today to share with you. In this season of Lent, I'd like to invite you to go on a 40 day journey to Easter with me and Real Life Church. If you want to learn more about what this 40 days devotional journey to...