Day Seventeen: For Thine is the Glory

Day Seventeen: For Thine is the Glory

As we conclude our days spent on the Lord’s prayer, we get to the last part…that may or not be part of the original prayer of Jesus. If you learned the Lord’s prayer as a child or remember hearing the song at a wedding, you most likely remember how it ends: “For thine...
Reflection: For Everyone

Reflection: For Everyone

We are nearing the midpoint of our journey, and I pray you are growing through this process. As we talked about yesterday, spiritual warfare is an area in our lives we can’t afford to overlook.  Today across all of our campuses, we are starting a new series...
Day Sixteen: Spiritual Warfare

Day Sixteen: Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is an area of our life most of us overlook. We work towards health in other areas – financial, mental, and physical health – but we often forget about our soul.  In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus does not.   He gives us a space in this...
Day Fifteen: Forgiveness

Day Fifteen: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is often easier to ask for than to give. “Please forgive me” is easier to say than “I forgive you.” In this part of the prayer template that Jesus gives us, we see that the two go hand in hand. “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins...
Day Fourteen: Our Daily Needs

Day Fourteen: Our Daily Needs

We continue on with the Lord’s Prayer. So far, we have acknowledged the Lord as Father. Then we set him apart as holy. We asked for what is up there to come down here. And now we ask for help. “Give us this day our daily bread.” Luke 11:3 God wants us to come to him...
Day Thirteen: Your Kingdom Come

Day Thirteen: Your Kingdom Come

As we began yesterday, we are walking through the template Jesus gave us to pray. We start by acknowledging who we are praying TO… our Heavenly Father. Then we rightsize who we are and who He is… His name is great. So, may His name be made greater… holy is your name....

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